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Vitamin E is considered the “vitamin of youth” due to the multiple benefits it brings to the skin, be it the face or the body, and to your hair. Among the benefits of vitamin E is its great antioxidant action, it will also help you maintain healthy skin, fight aging and look much younger.
Benefits of Vitamin E
There are many benefits of vitamin E but in this case we will focus a little more on the benefits it can bring to your aesthetics and beauty.
1. It has an antioxidant action and helps neutralize the effect of free radicals.
2. Vitamin E regenerates the skin and gives it a more youthful appearance.
3. Vitamin E keeps your skin in good condition.
4. Strengthens the lining of the skin’s blood capillaries, thus improving skin hydration and promoting elasticity.
5. Reduces inflammation at the cellular level for younger looking skin.
6. Vitamin E helps the rapid regeneration of the epidermis tissue (outer layer of the skin), producing a more effective healing of damaged tissue, such as sunburn, blemishes and wrinkles.
7. Helps reduce acne and eczema.
8. Improves the problems caused by marks that we may have over time, such as stretch marks, wrinkles, scars.
9. Strengthens Hair
Vitamin E for the face
Vitamin E will protect cells from toxic compounds that enter the body, fighting free radicals that cause skin degeneration, which is why it is associated with youth and beauty of the skin. With the help of Vitamin E for the face you can fight premature aging and avoid wrinkles.
To do this, in addition to incorporating vitamin E into your diet, you can apply it directly to your skin through vitamin E capsules for the face. You can also make homemade masks to which you can add this component.
The oil of vitamin E is very favorable to combat the facial wrinkles and age spots, it has wonderful anti-aging properties. The Vitamin E promotes the production of elastin and collagen, so it will keep your skin firmer and much smoother. It also reduces stains and wrinkles.
The applying vitamin E to your face It is very simple, you just have to take the oil that contains a vitamin E capsule that you can get by cutting it with scissors. After washing your face apply the oil of Vitamin E on your face with a cotton ball. You can apply it overnight and wash with warm water in the morning.
Vitamin E for hair
The regular use of vitamin E can help us reduce brittleness and hair loss, which are two very important aspects to show off a beautiful mane. In addition, it reduces the effect of free radicals that cause damage to the scalp and improves blood circulation, stimulating the growth of stronger and healthier hair.
The vitamin E for hair Avoid excess oil production or pH imbalance of the scalp, as keeping it dry will produce more oil than necessary. As a consequence, itching and dandruff, and later hair loss.
Mix 2 capsules of Vitamin E with 2 tablespoons of olive or coconut oil. Massage this mixture on the scalp. Let it act for 30 min and then wash your hair as usual. Repeat 2 or 3 times a week for your hair to grow healthy and stronger. Also, you can massage your hair with vitamin E oil to reduce split ends and breakage caused by dryness.
Vitamin E for the skin
Vitamin E pills will help you greatly with the proper skin healing, since it promotes the formation of elastin and collagen, being beneficial also in the case of sunburn. This does not mean that you should stop using moisturizers and sunscreens.
You can apply vitamin E directly to the skin, it will help you delay the signs of aging and protect your skin from environmental pollutants and the sun’s rays. You can find vitamin E capsules in pharmacies or health food stores.
Another way to apply vitamin E to your skin is to add the liquid from the vitamin E capsule to your regular moisturizer or anti-aging cream and apply it normally.
Benefits of Vitamin E for Hair, Face and Skin