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If you ask a parent what he wants for his child, the answer is the same: “I just want him to be happy.” In fact, raising children is the most difficult job in the world. For this there are no instructions and there is no rest. How to make your child grow up happy? Here are about 25 tips for parents who want their children to grow up happy.
1. Be a positive example!
A positive example for children is one of the best ways to ensure that they grow up happy. Children who grow up in an aggressive environment with emotionally unstable parents, it is the worst school for their children, and they often start using drugs and alcohol.
2. NO to conflict between parents!
Persistent conflicts between parents have a negative impact on children. However, it is good for the child, who saw a conflict situation, that the parents reached a decision and solved the problem.
3. Yes to parental approval!
Parental approval is an important part of a child’s development. Children who are rejected by at least one parent are likely to grow up emotionally unstable and more likely to be hostile and aggressive in responding to routine situations.
4. Less television!
Many parents choose to make it easy for him to take control of the television to take a break from them. But watching television regularly means that the child is going to be more miserable. In fact, children who watch television often are 8% more likely to develop symptoms of depression.
5. Praise – this is important!
One of the most important lessons for parents is learning to praise their children for their efforts. Parents who praise their children’s ability and intelligence contribute to the fact that children are becoming more and more capable. In addition, children who are widely praised for their efforts are more likely to choose the more complex tasks, because they are not afraid of failure.
6. NOT infinite studies!
Some modern parents overestimate education and basically shower their children with endless learning both in the classroom and at home. We have to give them freedom, since it is childhood! Children who play develop more their social, motor and creative skills than they are learning all the time.
7. Maternity YES!
Maternal care contributes to an increase in the size of the hippocampus – the center of stress and memory of up to 10%. Increased hippocampus is associated with a reduced risk of memory loss and dementia.
8. No to authoritarian parents!
Freshmen with such power-hungry parents tend to be more anxious and less open to new experiences.
9. Yes to empathy!
Parents often focus excessively on academic education, resulting in emotional intelligence being completely discounted. It is important to teach your children to understand their emotions. To do this, you must first identify with what the child feels. Then you have to help him understand why he feels like himself.
10. Optimism YES!
It has been shown that raising your child optimistically from an early age reduces the likelihood of depression later in life. You should always pay attention to the positive side of life.
11. Promotion of YES!
Children take pride in learning their homework, but can easily become discouraged. Encouraging children when they fail will help them master basic skills and get pleasure from it.
12. There are no templates!
The parenting style should vary depending on the person. If a child is constant in his emotions and actions, he will need more autonomy.
13. Yes to dinner together!
The rhythm of modern life, more than people are constantly busy, leads to forgetting the simple fact of sharing a family dinner, which is an important factor for the happiness of your child. This makes children more emotionally stable, improves their performance in school, and also reduces the chances of obesity.
14. Divorce conflict NO!
Although it is generally believed that divorce leaves a serious negative impact on children and leads to difficulties in maintaining an intimate relationship later in life, the study showed that 80% of children whose parents are divorced or living separately, they do not develop psychological problems. The key point is to keep the child away from the violent conflicts that arise in a divorce.
15. Confidence YES!
Although children think like minors and underdeveloped adults, it would be better for them if they trust something. For example, eight-year-olds reported that they are much happier when their life makes sense, for example, when they join a sports team or do something nice for a classmate.
16. Kindness YES!
Generosity and kindness can increase the level of happiness among teens. For example, young people who spend time with their elderly family members or with a sibling are much happier.
17. YES to the dream!
Everyone knows that it is very important for children to have a good sleep. Studies have shown that a student who does not get enough sleep causes his performance in school to decline.
18. YES to faith in yourself!
An excellent example of the fact that faith is more important than reality is that teenagers, who think they are good at sports, show better results.
19. Yes to happy parents!
Anyone who wants their children to be happy needs to be happy. Studies have shown that the social and emotional skills of the child are better developed, whose mother is satisfied with her life.
20. Encourage your kids to be nice!
Parents should encourage their children to be kind to other children and try to understand them. Empathy develops and leads them to later have a more constructive and productive relationship throughout their lives.
21. Concessions YES!
Some parents do not like arguing with their children, but studies show that it is not good. By being more assertive at home, the adolescent will also be more assertive with his friends. This does not mean that children should spoil, but parents must learn to give in when the child really has a compelling argument.
22. Build good habits!
Developing good regular habits, such as brushing your teeth before going to sleep or showering after going outside, helps children feel more confident and happy. Subsequently, this leads to better performance, both in adolescence and in future working life.
23. Generosity YES!
Babies usually think they don’t need anything except to eat and poop. Studies have shown that babies are happier when given treats than others who get them on their own.
24. YES family, friends, games!
In order of importance, children’s happiness depends on: their family, friends, games, participating in sports, and lastly, their toys. Relationships are important to growing a happy child.
25. Discipline YES!
Lastly, children really crave discipline, just like all people. We have to teach them self-discipline, which is also very helpful for their future life.