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Laura Boldrini she has always been a strong woman, ready to respond blow by blow to the criticisms and difficulties that a job like hers entails. But the former Speaker of the Chamber was not prepared to face the disease, the one that suddenly strikes you and makes every certainty collapse, forcing you to become aware of how fragile the human being is and how much the existence of everyone hangs on a wire.
These are things that we often hear, but only when we are faced with an evil do we realize their true meaning, which becomes clear at that point. Even for Boldrini it all happened almost by chance: a pain that almost no one wanted to give weight, a random check and then the verdict.
“A tumor in the femur, a rare sarcoma ”, explained the deputy to Corriere della Sera, in her first interview after the operation that forced her to take a break. “There was not much time to waste”, she says, telling how everything went quickly: the response arrived in mid-March, on April 10, the operation with which 25 centimeters of the femur were cut, replaced with a titanium prosthesis. “The bone will grow back, but it won’t be a walk in the park. The good thing is that they found no infiltrations. I don’t want to think about what it would have been if my friend hadn’t insisted ”. The reference is to a friend, who in this case can be defined as a kind of guardian angel, who convinced her to do an MRI, providential.
Now that the worst has passed, Laura Boldrini has had time to realize how precarious our presence in this world is: ” vulnerable and fragile, I had never had to deal with the disease and I have always been used to having a dynamic and fast way of life. Now I’m discovering another dimension, ”he admits.
However, the difficulties are not lacking, considering that it was a delicate operation and that it takes time and effort to recover. “Getting up and going to bed alone, it will be an achievement, like climbing stairs”, she says, while explaining how she was transferred from Bologna (where she was operated on) to Rome, but she is still in hospital “because I have to do a lot of physiotherapy and take possession of even small gestures again ”.
A frank interview, which reveals all the difficulty of the moment and the delicacy of the situation, which can be summed up in one sentence, the last, when it answers the most frank question: “Were you afraid?”. And the answer is equally sincere: “Yes, I was not prepared to face such a disease “.
Laura Boldrini with the doctors of the Rizzoli hospital in Bologna who assisted her