Table of Contents
Questions not to ask in tarot card readings
- Questions you don’t really want answered
- Questions that already have answers
- When you’re going to die
- Questions about other people
- Medical-type questions
- The same question, over and over again
- Yes-or-no questions
- Future-predicting questions
Consequently, Should you shuffle tarot cards after a reading? Reading your tarot cards can be as simple as asking your deck a question, pulling one or more cards, and then interpreting the potential answers they hold But before you pull your card(s), it’s a good idea to clear the slate from past readings by shuffling your deck
Should I sleep with my tarot cards? I wrap all my cards in scarves, and then I sleep with them under my pillow for three days You’ll get some really strange dreams during that time, but it attunes your energy to the cards” When it comes to deciding where to read your tarot cards, Katelan says it should be wherever you feel most comfortable
Besides How often can you read your own tarot cards? Slowly, I began to realize that while the tarot itself is a wonderful tool, I don’t recommend reading your own tarot cards Pulling one card each morning, as many do, is absolutely fine (and totally lovely!) because this practice is intended to give you a theme to meditate on throughout your day
When should you not get a tarot reading? If your entire line of questioning is about another person and their thoughts and behaviors (like what your ex is up to), then a tarot reading is not the answer Tarot is supposed to give you insight about *yourself*, not other people
Should you reset your tarot deck?
Each time you pick it up for a reading That’s right—to ensure the most accurate of readings, Magdaleno actually recommends cleansing your deck every time you do a reading “Whether it’s for someone else, or yourself,” she says, “it’s always best to start with a cleanse to clear the cards for your reading”
How do you put away tarot cards?
Typically, it’s a good idea to protect your Tarot cards from both physical damage and negative energy
You can do any of the following, or even a combination of methods:
- Ritually consecrate your deck
- Wrap the cards in a silk scarf
- Keep your cards in a small box
- Put the cards in a cloth bag with a drawstring
How many times should you shuffle tarot cards?
Apparently, the exact number of shuffles to achieve a truly random tarot deck is seven, but honestly, there is no need to adhere to that Some people like to shuffle their tarot deck a few times, while others like to shuffle for at least a full minute as they zone in on their question
How often should you read tarot cards?
You *Just* Had a Tarot Reading I advise leaving a gap of at least three months between professional tarot readings, UNLESS the reading is about a totally different and specific question Let things change and progress before going back to the cards
What religion do tarot cards come from?
The early French occultists claimed that tarot cards had esoteric links to ancient Egypt, Iran, the Kabbalah, Indic Tantra, or the I Ching and these claims have been frequently repeated by authors on card divination ever since
Can I read my own Tarot cards?
Can you give yourself a reading? With very few exceptions, no It’s just a bad idea You see, most of us use astrology or tarot when we’re seeking clarity during a time of uncertainty
How often should you read your oracle cards?
If you are constantly giving yourself readings several times a day, the accuracy rate will plummet Some people like to draw one card for themselves every morning or evening I usually do a reading for myself every Sunday afternoon Find a rhythm that works for you, but allow adequate space between readings
How do you shuffle tarot deck?
Why do you knock on Tarot cards?
Place your tarot deck face down on your non-dominant hand Make a fist with your dominant hand and knock the tarot deck once, visualising your own energy being put into the cards as you expel excess energy from their previous use
Should I let others touch my tarot cards?
It’s totally fine for others to touch away You just need to trust in the power of your intention to clear your Tarot deck of any unwanted energies afterwards
How do you charge tarot cards?
Like a loaf of rising bread, leave your deck in a sacred charging spot where you can “knead” (shuffle) it each hour, giving it your magical power with your hands, for one waking day This charge is best when you’re taking a day of rest at home or in retreat