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- They cited a lack of adequate long-term testing of the vaccine, unproven efficacy and disturbing news of adverse side effects such as neurological disorders
Then, Why is HPV vaccine not mandatory? HPV vaccine does not meet the high threshold for mandating HPV is spread by intimate sexual contact and therefore is not an epidemic infectious disease among school-aged children
Can the HPV vaccine cause brain damage? Therefore, experimentally, there is no evidence that the HPV vaccine can induce brain damage
in the same way, Can the HPV vaccine cause heart problems? Gardasil 9â is the newest vaccine, covering 9 serotypes of HPV and is recommended by the CDC for both males and females over 9 years of age in a series of vaccinations Myopericarditis (including myocarditis and pericarditis) is not reported as an adverse reaction in the Gardasil 9â package insert
Is Gardasil toxic? Vaccine ingredients in Gardasil and Cervarix contain hidden organosiloxanes (organosilicones) and silica (silicon dioxide), all of which are capable of creating biochemical disturbances that are strikingly similar to the metabolic disruptions identified in both chronic fatigue syndrome and the recurrent public health
When is it too late for HPV vaccine?
It was originally approved for females ages 9 through 26 Then the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommended both females and males get vaccinated up to age 26 However, people up to age 45 can get vaccinated
How long does the HPV shot last?
To date, protection against infections with the targeted HPV types has been found to last for at least 10 years with Gardasil (18), up to 11 years with Cervarix (17), and at least 6 years with Gardasil 9 (19)
Can HPV lead to death?
The most common cause of mortality related to human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is cervical cancer However, male HPV infection is also an important concern, both for the disease burden in men and for the risk of transmission to women
Can you get HPV from a toilet seat?
Even if a person delays sexual activity until marriage, or only has one partner, they are still at risk of HPV infection if their partner has been exposed You cannot get HPV from: Toilet seats
Is HPV worse for females or males?
Genital HPV Rates were slightly higher in men than women, with 452 percent of men infected, compared with 399 percent of women Almost two-thirds of black adults studied during this time, or 641 percent, were infected with genital HPV
Do you have HPV for life?
Depending on the type of HPV that you have, the virus can linger in your body for years In most cases, your body can produce antibodies against the virus and clear the virus within one to two years Most strains of HPV go away permanently without treatment
Is HPV a death sentence?
So finding out that you have HPV is not a death sentence It turns out 60 to 80 percent of all women have had HPV at some point in their life It’s something that will come and go in terms of the testing results because your body’s immune system can put it under the rug
Can kissing transmit HPV?
Sexual contact, including oral sex and deep kissing, can be a method of HPV transmissionfrom one person to another The likelihood of contracting oral HPV is directly associated with number of sexual partners a person has had
Can you get HPV by sharing drinks?
HPV is passed through skin-to-skin contact, not through bodily fluids Sharing drinks, utensils, and other items with saliva is very unlikely to transmit the virus
Can you get HPV from a razor?
The act of grooming with razors or shavers can cause tiny tears in the skin, through which viruses and bacteria could pass, such as herpes, syphilis and HPV