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In Italy the vaccination campaign with the anti-Covid vaccine for over 70s. After the health personnel, the employees and guests of the RSA and the over 80s, reservations and administrations for the over 70s have begun. The systems adopted by the regions are different depending on the choices made.
Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria and Campania
In Abruzzo, for example, reservations for the anti-Coronavirus vaccine for the over 70s have been open since March 26. The subjects were also divided into two groups: those born between 1942 and 1946 (which can already be booked) and those born between 1947 and 1951. In Basilicata the online platform to apply is not yet active because the Region is ending vaccinations for over 80. In Calabria citizens can be booked through the Italian Post Office system, while in Campania from 13 March bookings are started on a dedicated site.
Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Lazio
In Emilia Romagna, Stefano Bonaccini, president of the Region, announced that soon we will start with the vaccinations of citizens with an age between 70 and 74 years. Friuli Venezia Giulia has instead set up the number 0434 223522, alternatively it is possible to call the Cup. In Lazio, vaccination proceeds at a good pace, so much so that from March 27, vaccine reservations have also been opened for people who are 68 and 69 years, not just over 70. To do this you can use the special platform of the Region or call 06 164161841.
Liguria and Lombardy
In Liguria, vaccinations have also been announced for citizens between 70 and 74 years of age since 30 March. To fix the appointment, you can access the specific site and consult the calendar. In Lombardy, instead, it was decided to open reservations (on the specific platform) not only for over 80s, but also to those who reside in municipalities that have been declared at high risk and are aged between 60 and 79 years.
Marche, Puglia and Sardinia
In the Marche, reservations are open only for the over 80s in the Italian Post Office system, the same goes for Molise, where however the Region has created its own platform, and for Puglia, with the PugliaSalute website. In Sardinia over 80s have the opportunity to request the vaccine by registering on the Vaccinarsinsardegna website, also requesting home administration through the Cup counters or at the single number 1533.
Sicily and Piedmont
Sicily has made available both the Poste Italiane system and the information portal of the Region, but for now the vaccination campaign only involves the over 80s. aged between 70 and 79 years. To book, you need to contact the general practitioner or browse the dedicated website.
Tuscany, Umbria, Valle D’Aosta and Veneto
Reservations for people aged between 70 and 79 have also been activated in Tuscany and Umbria with specific sites, while in Valle D’Aosta it is the Usl that contacts the population directly. Finally, Veneto provides complete information on the Region’s website, while citizens are contacted according to the methods provided for by the category to which they belong, to make an appointment.