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Practiced for millennia in many cultures of the world, the fasting it is a food choice that, if carried out with awareness, is capable of making great contributions benefits to our organism, already structured by nature to overcome the absence of food.
One of the greatest experts to recommend this method is the prof. Pier Luigi Rossi, specialist in nutrition sciences and preventive medicine in Arezzo and author of numerous books, including “Intestine: the sixth sense of our body”(Aboca), in which he also dedicated a chapter to this topic.
“The conscious fasting – explains the doctor – is a choice to stay healthy, for the control of body weight and to prevent chronic degenerative diseases. It can also help improve the mood because it activates the production of serotonin by the enterochromaffin cells of the intestine. Provided you avoid the passage from fasting to famine“.
What happens to our body during fasting
The brain draws energy from the introduction of molecules contained in foods, especially by carbohydrates (contained in cereals, potatoes, fruit, vegetables, legumes…), which the liver transforms and stores in the form of glycogen and then of glucose, a substance the organ is fond of.
When no food is introduced and fasting is entered, the brain receives glucose from the liver. But if the liver does not have glycogen in storage and cannot supply glucose to the brain, it can become deficient and find itself devoid of energy, a condition incompatible with life.
“In this condition of cerebral energy emergency – says prof. Pier Luigi Rossi – the liver responds with the production of chetonic bodies which temporarily replace glucose as the brain’s energy substrate. These ketone bodies are obtained from fatty acids released from fat deposits. That is why during fasting you lose weight. However, it is important to know that not all of the brain can use ketone bodies to obtain life energy. A quota of glucose must always arrive and for this reason fasting is good that be checked“.
Alimony granted
It is therefore possible to eat something even during fasting. Yes to vegetable drinks: “Ideal for breakfast – advises prof. Pier Luigi Rossi – those that are commonly called “vegetable milks” (such as rice, soy, oats …) provide a good dose of proteins, which alternatively can also be provided by white yogurt without sugar or kefir, both of milk and water.
Well also i Whole grains, but without the addition of sugar or chocolate.
There fruit and vegetables, useful for the hygiene and well-being of the intestine, can be brought to the table for lunch and dinner and eaten in snacks, even better if in the form of extracts or centrifuged, drinks that – if made up of 80% vegetables and 20% fruit – allow you not to go in ketosis and to stimulate the hormone glucagon, which releases fatty acids from the adipocytes which are then eliminated, reducing excess body weight. It also flushes the liver of its glycogen. Good condition to further contribute to reduction of fatty fat mass. Furthermore, through the use of an extractor or a centrifuge, it is possible to obtain juices from almost all varieties of fruit and vegetables, allowing the raw consumption of vegetables that are usually eaten only cooked, as in the case of broccoli.
Go ahead, then, to oil seeds, recommended in all meals as they provide vegetable proteins, omega 3, fiber prebiotic food (useful for managing the microbiota intestinal) and minerals. They are to be considered real natural supplements useful in temporary fasting. Obviously they must not be salty or toasted.
Finally, it is important to drink at least one liter of water during the day with dry residue above 500 mg / liter for a better introduction of minerals and green tea at breakfast and snacks ”, explains the expert.
The benefits of conscious fasting
Practiced regularly, from time to time, or after days in which more abundant meals have been consumed, different are the advantages which can be obtained through temporary fasting.
“First of all, a variation in the hormonal profile with a clear reduction insulin (hormone responsible for the accumulation of fat and the sensation of continuous hunger) ”, says prof. Rossi.
“The reduction of insulin also allows the activation of the fasting hormone: the glucagon, which releases the glucose reserve stored in the hepatocytes. That is, glucagon performs a primary action for the slimming: “Unloads” the liver from excess carbohydrates to ensure an adequate and continuous supply of glucose to the brain, but without falling into ketosis, famine. Glucagon also releases fatty acids from within adipocytes, cells of the fat mass, emptying them. So you lose weight “.
The benefits are also felt on that feeling of swelling which often, with the arrival of the first heat, affects some anatomical areas of the body and, especially, the legs. “The reduction of insulin – continues the expert – cancels the effect of sodium on water retention. Therefore, diuresis increases, which contributes to the removal of extracellular water retention ”.
Not to mention – concludes prof. Pier Luigi Rossi – that fasting has a positive effect on intestinal enterochromaffin cells, with a better production of serotonin, capable of recovering a good mood “.
A healthy choice for healthy living.
The typical day
BREAKFAST: 1 cup of green tea; glass of vegetable milk (rice, soy, oats or other cereal) or 1 yogurt; whole grains without added sugar or chocolate; 1 serving of fruit; oil seeds such as almonds, walnuts or hazelnuts.
MORNING SNACK: 1 fruit or centrifuged or extracts composed of 80% raw vegetables and 20% fresh seasonal fruit; 1 kefir of milk or water
LUNCH: 1 portion of raw vegetables and 1 portion of cooked vegetables to taste, free dose, seasoned
with extra virgin olive oil, vinegar and some walnut kernels (or almonds, pine nuts or pumpkin seeds); 1 serving of rye bread (40 g).
AFTERNOON SNACK: 1 fruit or centrifuged or extracts composed of 80% raw vegetables and 20% fresh seasonal fruit; 1 kefir of milk or water
DINNER: 1 portion of raw vegetables and 1 portion of cooked vegetables to taste, in free dose, seasoned with extra virgin olive oil, vinegar and some walnut kernels (or almonds, pine nuts or pumpkin seeds); 1 serving of rye bread (40 g).
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