Table of Contents
The world belongs to those who wake up early in the morning, you know. Or at least, so they say. Who has never heard this mantra at least once in their life? Will it be just a cliché or does waking up early have real benefits on your productivity? Science does not deny the importance of a regular sleep and of a scanning of the time that starts from a prompt awakening.
As long as this doesn’t happen at 11am!
The world is divided into early risers and night owls: how to change course?
You know, the world is divided into two categories: those who wake up perky and early in the morning and those who love to be at night, sleeping until lunchtime. Two completely different lifestyles and two categories of people, one mirroring the other. What causes a person to wake up every day early in the morning? And how does the night owl fail to sleep before the wee hours?
Mysteries to which science gives its answers.
Each of us has an internal clock, also known as circadian rhythm, which naturally determines when we feel most awake or when we feel more tired. But this is not the point.
The rules to follow to become an early riser
Anyone who would like to be counted among the early risers, giving a change to their lifestyle, must first understand where to start. Difficult, but not impossible. Just follow a set of very specific rules.
Go to bed early and turn off the lights
It will seem trivial, but the first thing to do is go to bed early. With “early” we do not intend to go to bed asleep from the early hours of the evening, but to have 7-8 hours of complete and deep sleep so as not to wake up later than 8:00. It will be difficult on the first evenings, for those who are not used to these times, but after getting used to it it will become an “automatic” requirement.
Generally it should turn off the lights or in any case keep a dim one on so that our eyes do not have continuous stimuli to widen. To rest well you have to have your own routine that starts precisely by turning off or decreasing the intensity of the lights and ends, for example, by reading something. Television should be avoided, as it could have the opposite effect to the desired one: not to rest well and keep us half asleep.
Play sports early in the morning
If you can get used to it, doing sports in the morning is a very healthy habit which has the effect of guaranteeing that energy needed to start the day. Furthermore, it is scientifically proven that exercise has the effect of also improve mood. You don’t need to do strenuous exercise to get these benefits. It takes about 20 minutes and you will feel more inclined to start the day positively.
A rich breakfast: forbidden to give it up
Another fundamental aspect that early risers usually do not give up is the Breakfast. There is a widespread bad habit of skipping breakfast, mistakenly thinking that lunch is the most important meal of the day. Well, although lunch is an important meal, breakfast is the essential meal. In fact, it is with breakfast that the loaded with protein throughout the morning and it is with breakfast that every person starts the day.
Without the “fuel” our engines will not be able to start. The body will quickly feel tired, the mind will reduce its productivity sooner than expected. Besides, a good early riser would never skip breakfast. Beware of those who do it!
READ ALSO: Sleep well: what to eat to avoid insomnia