Table of Contents
What’s this
What are we talking about when we talk about postural gymnastics? How similar and how does it have to do with Pilates or other disciplines? Let’s say that postural gymnastics represents a large pelvis, a macro-category that is made up of bionatural movements and that includes many others. At 6 we reach one stable posture and then in the course of life we create our motor experience and take habits that we carry on over time. If these habits are correct and functional to the well-being of the body also the internal organs have benefits while if these habits are incorrect, in the long run recurrent joint or muscle or visceral pains occur. For this reason, postural gymnastics has both a preventive and rehabilitative value.
The exercises of muscle strengthening which are performed in the postural, act on the dynamic muscles, are performed free body or with elastic, in a controlled way and supported by the right breathing. The postural sessions they last about 1 hour and, when you want to increase resistance and strength, you use small weights and take breaks or if you want to work on balance you use tools such as the Stability Ball or platforms. In fact we would not even be made to walk on level ground, we are not structured for this, but for even discontinuous natural soils, this is good for the body, as seeking the continuous adaptation of the foot allows stimulation at all levels. The foot represents a reservoir of information and the way we use it has an impact on the structure (and vice versa, what happens at the level of the jaw cascades over everything else): the skin exteroceptors of the foot are highly sensitive and are the interface between the environment and the equilibrium system.
Click here to discover the main exercises of postural gymnastics
L’custom fit it is different for each of us and is affected by the physical, emotional and psychic environment. The shapes that the body occupies in space are not given only by biomechanics, but also by the way we feel, by our relationships with others. In summary, the way we manage our mass and move our center of gravity it undergoes many influences which also depend on internal movements. By working on the structure, postural gymnastics guarantees a harmonic order and a valid balance for the whole body. The motor gestures are corrected, in static and walking, and the whole postural tonic system is reprogrammed in a physiological context.
What is it for
Our equilibrium is influenced by many structures: the vestibular apparatus, the sight and the stomatognathic apparatus (ed. that is the set of bone, joint, muscle, vascular and nerve structures that participate in chewing, swallowing,
speech articulation, yawning, smiling and breathing). Standing or sitting very much for work affects all these systems and also affects the movement of our muscular circulatory pump and on the continuous flow of our lymph. We are “moving animals” in all respects but unfortunately there is asphalt, smoke, foods that inflame us and excesses of various kinds.
In addition to the muscle structure we have one fascia that includes the whole body, like a kind of sheet. Muscles are structured and function based on this connective fascia and they organize themselves in myofascial chains that pass through the whole body and pass through it. The postural also helps in the process of harmonic reorganization of the connective system. Our muscles can be hypertonic or hypotonic; in the first case with the postural exercises we go to stretch while in the second case a fortify and empower. The use of the eyes and paravertebral muscles as well as the influence of the vestibule and the muscular sense are involved in postural exercises.
In the first place, you breathe better. Good posture greatly affects the way we breathe, how we use the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. Digestion and evacuation also improve, with important emotional consequences. The structure of the neck (cervical spine) benefits greatly and is protected against negative habits given by study, cars, TV, video games, computers or the like. It also improves self-esteem, as standing upright returns a very positive, valuable and successful image to the mirror and to others.
If a positive mental attitude influences the posture, the opposite remains true: by working on the postural structure, by going to soften the muscular stiffening, one gains a relaxed and optimistic thinking. With a constant practice of postural gymnastics you also get greater access to relaxation and relaxation remains a fundamental factor in giving good to all the body-mind system. It also improves sleep, a key condition for a healthy immune system. Maintaining good posture also makes us aware of our needs, it allows us to listen to what we want from moment to moment.
The whole musculoskeletal system benefits from it together with theoverall balance of the body. It also increases the awareness of one’s body, as an external vision that allows you to get in touch with the inside even better and that can also be spent in sports and in the actions of daily life.
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