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THE Moans during intercourse they are such a natural reflection when we feel pleasure with our partner. But what is theirs origin? Why do we issue them? Above all, the legend is true that if they are not present during intercourse it means that we are not satisfied? Let’s find out more about this particular reflex linked to the sexual act.
Moans during intercourse: why do they emit?
If we talk about moans during intercourse, it is impossible not to mention the very famous scene acted by Meg Ryan in Harry Meet Sally, in which the actress fakes a decidedly noisy orgasm, in front of Billy Cristal. Not just in the movies, then. Not just fiction. When during sexual intercourse theorgasmmore or less loud moans can be emitted. Obviously it also depends on the modesty of the subjects involved.
But is it possible to hold back these groans? Although they seem to all intents and purposes, reflections conditioned, actually it can. There are also those who say that holding back the moans, we can focus a lot more on pleasure tried and therefore, you can reach the climax of orgasm more easily.
Moans during intercourse: studies
The moans emitted during intercourse have been subjected to the study of some American experts. From the analysis a sample number of women sexually active, it was found that many of these emit moans during intercourse, but the reason why they do it is not necessarily because they find enjoyable the act.
In fact, the women interviewed admitted to moaning to please the partner. Who to increase theexcitement and who, on the other hand, to increaseself esteem. In the light of these results, it emerges that women, or at least those interviewed, do not necessarily emit moans to emphasize their desire.
Sexuality, couple and psychology
The moans emitted during the sexual act have also been studied at the level psychological. It has in fact been hypothesized that moans have a double nature. In fact, they can be issued both to emphasize the pleasure and to emphasize the ache tried during intercourse. Furthermore, the importance of the relationship one is experiencing is also influencing the emission of these moans.
It is undeniable that moans during intercourse have become an integral part of culture sexual. So much so that theirs absence inevitably leads the partner to wonder if she has felt pleasure or not. A form of communication, and in couple relationships, communication is essential. It goes without saying that expressing one’s pleasure through moans that, however they have become almost conditioned reflexes, can be a good way to express consent to one’s sweetheart, between the sheets.