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Difference between migraine and headache
To understand the difference between migraine and headache we have to go into one basic subdivision between primary and secondary headaches. Migraine falls into this first category, along with tension headache and cluster headache. Secondary are headaches linked to the presence of underlying conditions, such as psychiatric disorders, infections, serious diseases affecting the cardiovascular system, infections or trauma.
Often, but not always, migraine arises unilaterally and creates a throbbing pain. Sometimes there may also be associated ailments such as the photophobia and phonophobia (ed. discomfort with light or noise) or digestive problems, nausea or sometimes even vomiting.
Migraine is further distinguished in type with aura and without aura: by “aura” we mean a set of symptoms of the nervous system of a visual or sensory nature that usually anticipate the attack of a headache.
The migraine situation it depends on several factors such as stress, menstrual cycle, sleep disturbances, digestive blockage possibly caused by cold, excessive consumption of industrial foods. Identifying the triggering cause becomes important in preventing and setting up treatment. Migraine pain is often described as a hammer on the temples or constant pressure which has peaks that increase from time to time. Many people living with migraines are forced to lie down and retire in the dark to make the throbbing pain go away.
Tension or stress headache
On the other hand, tension-type headache can be mild to severe, bilateral and in intensity it is not defined by throbbing pain as in the case of migraine; it does not get worse with regular physical activity such as a walk.
Cluster headache
The cluster headache is different, the definition of which is connected to the clusters, understood as active periods lasting weeks or months and are interspersed with phases of remission lasting months or years. The ache it is perceived in an intense way in the orbital, supraorbital, temporal region, but it can also affect areas of the head.
A classification precise and exhaustive was developed by the Headache Classification Committee of the International Headache Society (IHS).
Useful exercises
Once you understand the factor or multiple triggers, it is advisable to act effectively on migraines, first of all by identifying if the trigger is stress. There are specific preventive medications, but if the common cause of stress management were to act, then good results would be obtained by going to adopt behavioral interventions. In this sense, the relaxation, biofeedback but also good psychological support allow you to “deflate” the bubble that is created on an emotional level and which often causes pain in the head.
A great simple breathing exercise and relaxation it consists in finding a way to lie down in a supine position, with one hand on the chest and one on the abdomen. The eyes can remain closed and the neck should not go too far back (if anything, a small support or a not too high pillow is used). Simply, inhaling, first the hand on the abdomen is lifted and then the hand on the chest and exhaling the chest area is lowered and then the abdominal one. In this way it is created a wave that allows you to relax the whole body, make contact with the diaphragmatic function and also activate thoracic breathing.
Another exercise that is very beneficial in case of migraines, very useful for those who spend a lot of time in front of the computer is called Chin Tuck: place a finger on the chin and gently push it backwards, towards the chest, creating a sort of double chin. The position must be maintained for 3 to 5 seconds and the exercise must be performed for a number of times ranging from 5 to 10.
Finally, theextension of the area of the shoulder blades and chest, done with slow and deep breathing, allows you to greatly relieve tension in the head. It is performed by going to interlace your fingers behind your back and then bringing them upwards, deliberately moving them away from the lumbar part. During the execution, both hands and fingers are squeezed together and the area of the shoulder blades and the position is maintained for 20 seconds, then repeating it for 2 or 3 times. It is very important to avoid forcing and indulging everything with a calm and slow breath, inhaling when the hands are removed.
Always try to observe your posture during the day, even paying attention to small details, for example avoiding flexing the neck sideways when you are listening or always reading with your head resting on the same hand corresponding to the arm that remains on the table.
Also pay attention to the pillow and mattress: very often sleeping badly and in an incorrect position leads to migraine conditions that can become chronic. Finally, ban smartphones and screens of any kind before going to sleep and as soon as you wake up; avoid too many stimuli and try to protect your eyes and your nervous system.
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