Table of Contents
What are
When we talk about lucid dreams we refer to a particular dream event that occurs while we sleep and we reach a specific phase of sleep. It is a particular circumstance in which we actively act on the dream, realizing that we are first of all dreaming and then intervening from within. In some rare cases, the power of check the dream and sometimes even direct it in a certain direction, just like someone who scripts a film, choosing the fate of the characters. In the dream phase, all the work is done by the unconscious and although it is a dimension that does not immediately emerge in consciousness, it does not mean that we have no power over it. For example, even just by keeping a “dream logbook”, a small booklet where we write down dreams and their contents, we can giveunconscious the message that we value that part that takes place in sleep, we recognize its importance. This allows you to better remember dreams almost immediately (unless excessive use of alcohol or substances that alter the state of consciousness). Lucid dreams happen in a specific sleep phase, REM sleep, and not in the slow wave sleep phase, also known as non-REM sleep (NREM). This last phase represents about 75-80% of the total sleep time and is divided into 4 levels of sleep depth. In this phase, for example, the tone of the muscles decreases and involuntary movements such as changing position can be made.
In the REM phase, on the other hand, the electroencephalographic waves are at high frequency and rapid eye movements occur (hence the name of the phase). At this stage the brain increases its work, except for the activity of the limbic system. In other words, logic fails, other types of information are processed and in other ways. These different phases do not occur once throughout the night, but alternate several times for a total of 5-6 complete cycles lasting 90-100 minutes. While normal dreams occur in both phases, lucid dreams must be in REM sleep and lucid dreams appear to result from unclear dreams. In other words, the awareness to be in the dream often starts from a dream that is being lived and of which one is not fully aware, a normal dream. Being actively aware of dreaming while it is happening comes from an unconscious dream dimension.
Lucid dreaming occurs thanks to a high cortical activity, especially as regards the engagement of the prefrontal cortex. In lucid dreaming this area does not differ much from the normal waking state. Through study tools such as electroencephalogram (EEG) and electrooculogram (EOG) we understand when we enter the REM phase and deepen the level of work of the brain.
How to go about having lucid dreams
In fact, having lucid dreams means having developed a sort of metacognition, that is, an in-depth awareness of the movements of thought. This ability is facilitated by a constant practice of meditation, or observation of one’s thoughts. Psychology courses with a trusted therapist or therapist also help you understand your thoughts and look at them with detachment. In many cases there is also one predisposition lucid dreaming: about 55% of adults have experienced at least one lucid dream during their life and 23% of people have lucid dreams at least once a month. However, there are techniques for having lucid dreams:
Reality test
They are conceived and introduced small control test reality in the waking phase with the aim of creating a habit that can be “brought” into sleep, influencing its progress or even just to test that one is dreaming. Repeated tests become ways to develop lucidity and distinguish between the dream state and the waking state.
Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams (MILD)
This is the memory induction of lucid dreams (MILD) which creates a clear division between dreams and reality during sleep. For example, you sleep for a certain number of hours and then when you wake up you create an affirmation that forces the body-mind system to remember that you are dreaming. A typical phrase: “I will be aware of dreaming” to say before going back to sleep.
Wake back to bed (WBTB)
You wake up in the night and then go back to sleep after a certain amount of time. By combining this technique with MILD, many positive results are obtained as regards the ability to control the dream. Better not to try it yourself and have directives to avoid going to implement a technique that only risks significantly decreasing the quality of sleep.
Recall that all of these techniques they should never be carried out on personal initiative and without monitoring or control. Suffice it to say that, in addition to the listed techniques, external stimulation is also often used, i.e. during the dream tests are carried out with flashing lights, sound or light stimuli that impact the dreamer during his REM phase. The stimuli are aimed at triggering lucidity in the process. We advise against doing everything clumsily and unprofessionally and remember that these tests are carried out in specific departments. The sleep it has a fundamental value for our well-being and it is not worth going to undermine this vital condition.
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