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As indicated by the “x” in the binomial nomenclature, the lime (or limetta in Italian) is a hybrid fruit belonging to the citrus family obtained from the cross between Citrus micrantha and cedar (Citrus medica).
The best known component is certainly the C vitamin (100 g of lime provide about 35% of the recommended daily value), constituting a valid ally for the functionality of the immune system. In fact, it has one of the most powerful natural antiseptic and bactericidal effects.
Among his actions, there is also that of fighting the cholesterol thanks to the presence of hesperidin, able to lower the level of triglycerides.
The percentage of water and citric acid with a reduced content of sugars, which make it – as well as one of the fruits capable of hydrating the body – also a food among less caloric, so much so that it can be proposed used in the treatment of diabetes. Its calories are mainly supplied by simple sugars, followed marginally by low biological value proteins and unsaturated fats. These are cholesterol-free and provide a fair amount of fibers soluble.
Lime pulp and peel then contain various active and useful phytochemicals for the body, including above all i polyphenols and terpenes. It is about bioactive molecules with antioxidant function capable of counteracting the harmful free radicals oxygen, responsible for degeneration and aging.
Thanks to his acidity, lime is effective in nausea from hypo or hyperacidity, but only if taken in drops or in the form of a slice dusted with sugar.
Finally, it is considered by the scientific community to be one of the best foods for male sexual well-being, since it has a vitalizing effect that can be exploited in cases of oligoasthenospermia.
How to eat
It is a very common ingredient in Mexican, Vietnamese and Thai dishes. It is in fact used to season the ceviche (Latin American dish based on raw fish) or in some guacamole recipes of avocado.
In Italy it represents an ideal ingredient for the formulation of cocktail (like gin and tonic and margarita, but also mojito, caipiroska and caipirinha) or for making lemonades. Its qualities, combined with strong and particular aroma and taste, make lime suitable for making many recipes, give her fish fritters, which exploit the leaves of this fruit, almost as fragrant, to scallops, come on prawns ai spring rolls.
It can also be found stored in a jar (lime pickle) or in dry form used as a spice.
The taste is acidic and emits a fresh and pleasant scent.
Differences with lemon
Unlike lemon, typical of Mediterranean countries, lime is not very common in our area because the Mediterranean climate is not the ideal habitat for this fruit, which prefers the tropical climate.
The pulp has no i seeds, while the skin is particularly thin. It is picked between June and September, when the rind is still green, to fully enjoy its scent.
Lime lends itself to any diet. However, in the case of gastritis gastroduodenal in the acute phase, it is not recommended to eat it or drink its juice on an empty stomach. It is not even suitable for dysentery that are not of microbial or viral origin. It is contraindicated in insomnia and in neurological hyperexcitability.
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