Table of Contents
Seasonal fruit and vegetables, inexhaustible source of antioxidants, fibers and phytosterols; fish; legumes; Whole grains; white meat and, every now and then, some whim: these are the good foods of Mediterranean diet which, together with physical activity, plays a very important role in keeping under control the risk factors that can predispose to develop one cardiovascular disease such as overweight, levels of cholesterol “Bad” too high, high values of glycemia and excessive elevation of the blood pressure.
In fact, lifestyle and nutrition play a very important role in prevention cardiovascular diseases, which increasingly affect women as well. We are used to thinking that stroke And heart attack are a male prerogative and that women are less at risk thanks to the protective shield of female hormones, but in reality they get sick of heart more than men, so much so that about a third of female mortality is caused by ischemic heart disease.
Word of the Dr. Domenico Rossi, medical specialist in cardiology and expert in human nutrition, who together with SYNLAB Italy – national network of sampling points and polydiagnostic centers of excellence, participates in the initiative Heart of Woman, a campaign dedicated to all women who, through a useful Vademecum Salva Cuore, conferences and meetings open to the public and free screening campaigns in the territories in which it operates, intends to increase awareness on risk factors and on healthy habits of prevention, including proper one Power supply.
What to bring to the table
Fruits and vegetables
Yes to seasonal vegetables and fruits that are precious for their naturally balanced content of microelements such as sodium, potassium and calcium, necessary for the proper functioning of the heart muscle. “Consume at least 4-5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day – explains the expert – supplies us with a great variety of substances antioxidants which neutralize the activity of free radicals at the base of cardiovascular diseases. The advice to increase the benefits is to alternate the colors of the vegetables: reds and purples, such as blueberries, plums and aubergines, are excellent sources of anthocyanins, yellow and orange give carotenoids and antioxidant polyphenols “.
In addition, fruits and vegetables also provide phytosterols and fibers, which in the intestine help regulate the bacterial flora and reduce the absorption of cholesterol. “The fibers – continues dr. Domenico Rossi – they are also useful for controlling the level of sugar in the blood (glycemia) which, if too high in the long run, can lead to diabetes, a pathology capable of increasing cardiovascular risk because it is capable of altering the tissues of the arteries. It is enough to eat a portion of salad twice a day, at lunch and dinner, to lower theglycemic index and reduce the absorption of fats and cholesterol contained in other dishes. At the end of a meal moderate, it is not wrong to eat a fruit, as long as you choose it not too ripe, therefore naturally less rich in sugars “.
Proteins. Which to choose?
“To stock up on noble proteins and of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats which have a protective effect on the cardiovascular system, the best choice is the fish – advises the cardiologist – to be consumed at least three times a week: green light therefore to sea bream, sea bass, salmon and cod. In the fish market, however, it is good to ascertain the origin. Fish caught in the less polluted northern seas are preferable to farmed fish, which may have less essential fatty acids Omega 3, very important for their protective effect on the cardiovascular level and for their ability to lower triglyceride levels. Smaller fish, such as sardines and anchovies, are less affected by pollution from mercury. To preserve its properties intact, they can to cook steamed, baked or stewed, with a little tomato and parsley, as long as it is cooked at low temperatures “.
Also there White meat, better if chicken or turkey from non-intensive but sustainable farms, it can be part of our menus. “But no more than two or three times a week – Rossi suggests – reserving the Red meat just one day.
THE legumes they provide vegetable proteins that can replace meat in a well-balanced diet. Let’s remember to consume them Two or three times a week to take advantage of their rich content of fibers. For convenience they can also be consumed canned chickpeas and beans, as long as they do not contain preservatives !.
Carbohydrates yes or no?
THE carbohydratesoften unfairly demonized, they should not be overlooked because they provide slow-release sugars that the body transforms into power. “As recommended in the food pyramid of the Mediterranean diet, must represent the 45-60 percent of our daily diet. Better to bring to the table Whole grains low glycemic index such as barley, spelled and oats and bread and rice, wholemeal pasta to get the most benefits and optimize the well-being of the heart “.
Foods to limit
What it must be limited, on the other hand, they are the simple sugars contained in sweets and in many soft drinks. “To cool down – advises the expert – valid alternatives are centrifuged of fruit and vegetables, freshly squeezed orange juice and smoothies with fresh seasonal fruit. Another enemy is the salt: getting used to reducing it gradually until it is almost completely eliminated helps to keep the values of the under control blood pressure, which for the well-being of the heart should not frequently exceed 140/90 mmg “.
Finally – concludes Domenico Rossi – also the way of consuming meals it’s important. “It is wrong to always impose oneself too strict rules. Allowing yourself a few more courses in a convivial atmosphere, in the company of friends and loved ones, counterbalances the surplus you ate with the good mood, which also makes the heart feel better. The tendency to withdraw into oneself, as well as the depression, has a negative effect on health and can even affect the risk of developing cardiovascular disease ”.
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