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What they are and why they come
The blisters on the feet are small bubbles filled with fluid that form on the outer layers of the skin. In most cases, blisters on the feet form a it causes of friction with footwear. When the shoes are too tight, too loose or uncomfortable, in fact, it is possible that they rub on the skin, irritating it. The reaction of the skin is to form a more or less large bubble at the point where the rubbing occurs. Those with delicate and sensitive skin are generally more prone to blistering of the feet. THE symptoms of the bladder include pain and burning, which worsen considerably if the bladder ruptures, so it is always preferable not to puncture the blisters. Blisters can also form from different causes, for example as a result of sunburn and burns, with very similar symptoms.
What to do
Blisters usually heal spontaneously within a few days. In a short time, in fact, the skin heals, the liquid present is reabsorbed and the bladder dries up. If after the bladder has healed, the cause that caused it is not removed (therefore if the friction continues), a callus can easily form in the same place. Pierce or break a blister is not a good idea, as the pain could increase and the skin would be more prone to infection. For relieve symptoms of blisters on the feet it is advisable to avoid wearing the footwear that caused them, also to avoid tearing the skin. If the blister forms in an area of the foot where it is impossible to prevent friction – for example on the sole of the foot or the heel – damage can be limited by covering the blister with a band-aid or sterile gauze. There are also special patches for blisters on the market. It is about gel patches, soft and transparent, which guarantee good adhesion for several days even in contact with water. Applying these special patches to the bladder relieves discomfort and pain for the time it takes to heal. In the absence of protection and in the event that the bladder should rupture, it is possible to resort to natural remedies to speed up healing and prevent any infections. If the bladder appears very red, if the pain increases rather than decreases, or if yellowish secretions appear in the bladder area, it is advisable to consult your doctor.
Natural remedies
For relieve pain and the burning caused by blisters on the feet you can use aloe vera gel, with a soothing, refreshing and healing action. Aloe gel is also useful if the blister ruptures, as it helps the skin heal faster and reduce inflammation. With the same indications you can use shea butter, a marvelous natural remedy against wounds and with an emollient and soothing action. A drop of tea tree oil or eucalyptus essential oil can also be added to the aloe gel or shea butter, both of which are characterized by antibacterial activities and are able to prevent infections if the bladder were to rupture. Essential oils must not be applied pure on the skin, but must always be diluted in a substance that acts as a carrier. If you don’t have aloe gel or shea butter, the essences can be added to olive, sunflower or any other vegetable oil. Green tea can also be used against blisters, with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and healing properties. If you have blisters on your feet, for example, you can take foot baths with the infusion of green tea: after having prepared a concentrated infusion using three or four bags or a spoonful of tea, let it cool slightly and add it to the water. of the foot bath.
When blisters on the feet are very large, painful or take a long time to heal, you may want to consider pierce them with a sterile needle, letting the liquid flow out without removing the skin and then applying a patch. However, this is an operation that could involve risks because, as we have already seen, the bladder could become infected. If blisters on the feet or in another area of the body have formed as a result of a sunburn or minor burn, you can intervene by applying a drop of lavender essential oil to immediately relieve redness and pain.
How to prevent them
For prevent blisters it is good to wear comfortable, soft shoes of your own size. It is also very useful to wear socks, rather than wearing shoes with bare feet. Blisters often form when wearing new shoes: in this case, it is advisable to wear the new shoes little by little, perhaps at home and paying attention to any rubbing points. If you feel pain or discomfort in some places on your foot, you can prevent blistering by applying normal patches. gel patches or blister creams, which soften the skin and limit friction. Gel patches and blister creams are designed to prevent or treat blisters and are readily available on the market.
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