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Unfortunately, acne is a problem that afflicts many people and that creates not only aesthetic and external discomfort, but above all psychological and emotional. But acne spots may not always be caused by hormonal problems, stress or even the mask as in this last period.
Many times it is also nutrition that positively or negatively affects the problem. Let’s see below the tips on how to fight acne on the face at the table.
How to fight acne on the face at the dinner table
Acne, as we have just seen, is not caused only by hormonal factors or related to stress and emotion. But it can also be due to diet or problems related to the intestine or liver. Or in other cases, nutrition does not cause it, but can help improve the situation, trying to prefer a healthier and more balanced diet, based on natural and genuine ingredients.
Let’s see what are the foods to prefer for acne sufferers.
Green leafy vegetables
Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, fennel, cucumber, catalonia, cauliflower, buds, ribs, etc. rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber which help the body to purify itself of excess toxins. But that’s not all: the detox function and the presence of vitamin E inside them promotes tissue healing, to improve the health of our skin and to fight acne.
Green tea
Green tea, like green leafy vegetables, is also rich in antioxidants and thus helps fight acne. This is because, being able to damage the action of free radicals, promotes cell regeneration, stimulates toxins and eliminates those in excess through purification and diuresis.
The beans are rich in zinc, a type of mineral that helps keep hormones balanced and therefore, consequently, prevent the appearance of pimples and blemishes. Precisely for this reason, in fact, beans can help us improve the acne problem. In short, it is an invitation to eat them of all kinds, but be careful not to overdo it: they cause problems in the intestine!
Whole grains
Like beans, whole grains are also ideal for those suffering from acne, pimples or blemishes on the face. Also in this case be careful not to overdo it, perhaps alternating the types of cereals, because they cause swelling and irritability in the intestine. Beyond that, however, it must be said that these are rich in magnesium which, like zinc, is a type of mineral capable of rebalancing hormones.
Blue fish
Salmon, herring, trout, sardines, etc: eat them out of proportion because fish does everything right, especially for those suffering from acne. The blue fish, in fact, is rich in omega-3s and thanks to good fats, helps to counteract the appearance of inflammation and therefore, the appearance of acne.
First of all, water is ideal for purifying the body and skin of excess toxins and give the face a better state, also helping her to hydrate on a daily basis.
Citrus fruits
Finally, citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and grapefruits are rich in vitamin C, therefore essential for our daily needs. But not only that: they help the immune system and above all to counteract the appearance of signs due to acne.