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For those who are unsure of which bed to buy or which bed model to choose, I’ve listed the bed models more traditional products on the market. I hope the list below will help you in your selection process.
Bed Models
Discover other bed models, such as:
Most Common Bed Models
Box bed: The box bed is one of the most common bed models on the market today.
bed chest: For those who are looking for and need a storage area, the bed can be the solution for you. But I recommend that you think about it before making this purchase, as it’s not very practical if you tend to leave it for later in terms of organization, it’s likely that this bed model isn’t the best solution. Unless the objects that will be stored are very little. If not, consider opting for one of the drawer bed models. Despite having a smaller storage area, they are much more practical than chest-type beds, for day-to-day use.
Bed with Drawers: This is one of the bed models that most strives for the use of space. If you have little storage area and the bedroom area doesn’t allow you to create closets with lots of dividers, opt for beds with drawers. They are also ideal for children’s rooms and can be used both for storing bedding and toys.
Double bed: The bunk bed can be a great option for those with children or for the multipurpose room that can be transformed into a guest room. The problem only arises if there is not enough room to pull and accommodate the bed below. In this case, perhaps the best option is the bunk bed.
Bunk bed: Option for those who need to have two beds in the room, like the children’s room, but does not have enough area to comfortably hold two beds. This is one of the bed models that I recommend only as a last resort, because here one of the problems that can occur is the lack of safety of this type of bed model. To avoid problems, choose good brands and analyze well before buying, but end up not putting your children’s safety and well-being at risk.
built-in bed: Some people may prefer something like the built-in bed to the wardrobe, because depending on the model you will have a better use of space.
Sofa bed: The sofa bed is mainly used in multipurpose rooms.
Beds can be made of wood or iron, with the exception of box beds that have their own structure.
You can find wooden beds in ready-made models like the ones above or you can choose to make them with a cabinetmaker or a custom furniture store. If you choose to have it done, evaluate if it is not better to opt for a custom furniture store. Despite the numerous complaints in relation to the customized stores, at the store you are entitled to warranty and technical assistance. So, think about it before making a choice.
Iron Bed: Iron beds reappear in decorating magazines and gradually begin to gain popularity. The downside of this type of bed is that it is a bed that requires space. But if you have space, it’s worth considering whether you like the style. For me they are by far the most beautiful, but I’m suspicious to say since I love the vintage, retro, Provençal style.
Anyway, there is currently a bed for all styles, tastes and budgets too.