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With the increase in infections due to the spread of the Delta Variante, i new colors of the Regions they will be established with a different criterion, established by the Government which is working on a total revision of the parameters for access to the various areas.
The new scenario, accompanied by the vaccination campaign that proceeds according to the established plan, has therefore imposed a complete re-examination of the criteria already known for the colors of the Regions, useful for defining the measures to restrict the spread of the infection, increasingly characterized by Delta.
The news is given by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, working on a new Law Decree still to be approved. According to the first rumors, therefore, the parameters will be revised, which will take more account of the number of hospitalizations compared to that of infections: “In a phase characterized by an important level of vaccination it is reasonable that in the changes of color and in the consequent containment measures the hospitalization rate weighs more than the other indicators”.
However, the colors of the Regions remain the same as those decided at the beginning of the second wave and used for the containment of the coronavirus. Only in January, the government decided to establish the white zone for areas with reduced risk. The first to obtain this status was the Sardinia, then ended up in the red zone after a short time due to a new and severe diffusion which generated a severe increase in positivity.
The gradual decrease in the rate of infections has allowed all the Regions to enter the white zone, therefore at lower risk. Since June 28, it has also been the use of the mask is abolished outdoors and the curfew, which had however been extended until midnight.
The indicator to be taken into account will therefore be that relating to hospitalizations, with the saturation data relating to ordinary departments and at intensive therapies. The limit indicated by the new criteria will be based on prudence, bringing the limit relating to intensive care to 5% and to 10% for ordinary wards.
Massimiliano Fedriga, President of the Conference of the Regions and of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, focused on the issue and explained why this rectification is important for the next few months and to have a clear picture of the current situation: “With the current system there is a risk of slipping into yellow zone even just for an increase in infections, not accompanied by pressure on hospitals.
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