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How to do it
There are many types of couple massages, from sensory massage to oil massage or even the water massage performed by two operators who follow the two people of the couple separately but in the same pool. Some couple massages they maintain an extremely ritual aspect and are performed with specific candles, sounds and frequencies. When they are found in a spa or wellness center price list, they are often included in a sensory journey which also includes emotional showers, exposure to lights and perfumes, tastings of herbal teas, treatments for skin and hair of various kinds.
Sharing this kind of experience consolidates the couple. If you both get a massage in the same room at the same time, try to agree on dialogue; some people prefer to remain silent while receiving the therapeutic power of touch. Some people have preferences about the gender of the person being treated, so first investigate whether your or your partner prefers a figure of the same or opposite gender.
There are also many couples who are dedicated to do it yourself couple massage, that is, they try their hand at reciprocal massage even without knowing any techniques. In this case we give small suggestions:
- do not feel incapable and ask the partner or partner what they like, but also go to intuition;
- try to focus on the areas where you feel that the person is in need, but also feel free to wander according to what the touch suggests.
For the do-it-yourself couple massage you need prepare the environment with the right temperature, some proper incense and soft lighting. Also there choice of music an important factor remains: you can put frequencies or instrumental music that also refers to natural sounds. Very important measure the force in the maneuvers; try to connect with your intuition to understand if and how intense the determination to apply to certain techniques should be.
If you arrive tired after work you can decide to take a restorative shower, hydrate yourself, a little meditation and go, ready for the couple’s massage. Try to take your time and to be absolutely in no hurry. Never do the massage if you have a full stomach and have to deal with digestion. Always pay attention to do not make strong maneuvers on the vertebrae and bones, remember that the best choice is always to detach the tissues.
If you want that hands slide better you can choose between a rose oil, which promotes harmony and sexuality, the ylang ylang that works on emotional blocks, sandalwood, which is considered an aphrodisiac and stimulates the desire for intimate contact, patchouli, which increases libido, ginger, which decreases the level of fatigue and energizes the whole body. If you have a tub, you could take the opportunity to fill it with water and sprinkle some delicate petal.
Among the great benefits of a couple’s massage there are certainly many that concern the relationship improvement same. Contact allows you to find well-being and complicity and also to rediscover the partner in a new way and to rediscover oneself / and in a new way. Physical work allows you to come into contact with your breath and this revolutionizes our entire inner world as the breath represents our contact with life. It improves all the circulation and all the oxygenation of the tissues e a higher dose of endorphins is released, improves lymphatic circulation and effectively removes toxins. Excess fluids are diluted and the areas where the greatest number of tensions usually accumulate, such as the cervical area, shoulders, arms, relax a lot. There you also gain in terms of mobility of the hips and pelvis and joints such as the ankles and wrists, whose tendons relax significantly.
Very often limiting beliefs, obsessive thoughts, mistakes and quarrels lead us to even break relationships that work. Coping with obstacles well also depends very much on Welfare personal and how good we feel in our body. Progress is made in the relationship if you nurture persistence and if you live in a dominant vibration made up of emotions they are not based on lack and anger. During the day we can think and say various things, harbor negative thoughts that do not lead to optimism and constructive reasoning. The way in which we see the partner or partner also greatly shapes the harmonic or otherwise harmonic course of the relationship.
The massage somehow brings us out of the daily routine and creates as a reset within the body-mind system. At the end of the massage he comes restored a balance of the five senses, a care in contact and increases the desire for cuddles in profusion and even the wounds that may have caused some heavy words are healed.
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