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Usefulness of the warm up
Warming up is a very important phase for prepare the body for physical work. If neglected, it not only increases the risk of injury, but also lowers the performance level. In other words, the whole body loses; not only that, even the mind.
Preparing and warming up well means oxygenate the muscles, strengthen the tissue, stretch and test elasticity. In many cases, unfortunately, the heating is skipped and considered as a “waste of time”; maybe you want to sweat right away and feel that you work hard, but you actually risk a lot and miss the opportunity to do a complete workout and productive. In principle it only takes 10-15 minutes of work to complete an excellent quality heating.
It is performed as a form of work a low intensity, which could be a slow form of running in place or a series of targeted exercises. This type of work leads to an increase of 1-2 degrees in body temperature and makes the body ready for movement. It avoids contractures, fatigue, strains of ligaments and tendons, tears muscular. The joints also soften, as if they “lubricate” themselves. Even at the level of the nervous system, heating makes the passage of nerve impulses more efficient: the result is faster movements and a greater level of reactivity.
The intensity and duration change according to the physical conditions of the subject and also according to the climatic conditions (in winter it is better to devote more care and attention to heating). The range of motion – also called range of motion (ROM) – increases and by this parameter we mean how free and great a movement is, what amplitude and how many degrees a body segment completes from the starting position to the final position, for the whole time of the complete movement.
Finally, a good warm-up makes us lose weight significantly, going to act on our metabolic system and enhancing all the work of the cardiovascular system. Warming up allows for hormonal reorganization and opens the door to a possible increase. Higher blood flow, higher Welfare.
Warm-up exercises
It is advisable to perform a targeted warm-up that goes to specifically solicit the parts of the body with which you go to work the most during sports performance. In other words, it is necessary think about what you are going to do, which gestures will often be repeated during the session, how much legs will be used and how much the lower limbs will be used. This perspective allows you to create a functional heating, that is, adapted to the function of what will be done.
Let’s see together some bodyweight exercises very useful for joint mobility and stabilization of both the lower and upper limbs and the entire spine.
Hop on the spot
Excellent to “start the machine” of our body and push it to obtain the best performance. The hops in place make the heart work well, do not have a great impact and carry oxygen-rich blood to the skeletal muscles.
Circumstances of the shoulders
Even running them only for 30 seconds per sense, the circles make it possible to safeguard the shoulders, warm them, prepare them adequately. Circumstances prepare for more coordinated activity and initiate action.
Jumping jack
Rhythmically move arms and legs out and towards the center line. Use the bounce of the foot to perform an agile, precise movement. The abdominals must be contracted to avoid hurting your back.
It starts from the standing position with the legs apart like the shoulders. The toes are turned slightly out. The hips are flexed as if sitting on a chair, the weight of the body goes on the heels. When descending the arms forward to maintain balance during the descent phase. This exercise warms up your legs and buttocks well.
Calf warming
On the edge of a step, the tips of the feet rest with the heels in the void, active abdomen and back straight. Breathe in as you rise on your toes. Excellent exercise also to “wake up” the lymphatic pumps. At least they must be carried out 5 sets of 15 repetitions each.
Standing push-ups
Excellent for warming up your arms / chest and shoulders. On your toes, in front of a wall or a tree, you place your hands, arms outstretched, hands at the width of the pelvis. The body should be kept straight as a board and well aligned.
In addition to these exercises we suggest exercise bike or bicycle, swimming slowly or walking at a fast pace or running at a very slow pace. The treadmill and rowing machine are also great machines for warming up the body, if used not in a mild or too intense way but with the right balance. Taking the stairs at a brisk pace is also a great exercise to warm up the whole body, especially when performed with one long, deep breathing.
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