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Screening saves lives. For the breast, having regular mammograms and other tests, if the doctor deems it, is the best strategy to catch any early-stage lesions, and therefore have better opportunities to overcome the challenge with cancer. Unfortunately, in times of Covid-19, many appointments were “lost along the way” in Italy, with the consequent postponement of this and other screening tests essential for early diagnosis. We must recover, and as soon as possible, for women’s health. This is why the campaign was born “Screening Routine”: Roche Italia and Fujifilm Italia join forces by offering 10 mammograms to as many healthcare companies in Italy, with the aim of helping the resumption of this fundamental public health strategy.
Why the initiative was born
Unfortunately, among the invisible “costs” linked to the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on the Health System, there are the suspension or postponement of many cancer screening, which make it possible every year to prevent or detect diffuse tumors early, for which timely diagnosis and treatment are crucial. To say this are the investigations conducted byNational Screening Observatory: in the first 5 months of 2020, those most heavily impacted by the pandemic, the number of mammography screening (-53.8% compared to the same period of 2019, with an accumulated delay of 2.7 months). It seems a short time, but unfortunately the estimates say that this situation could translate into an increase in mortality at 5 years for breast cancer between 8 and 9%. The prevention campaign “Screening Routine”, thanks to the synergy between public and private, aims to offer a contribution to the resumption of mammography screening activities, bringing women closer to healthy and constant prevention. THE latest generation mammograms will be donated based on the selection of Fucina Sanità, an independent partner: these new tools will be used: Asl 1 of Imperia; Hospital (AO) S. Croce and Carle di Cuneo; Local Health Authority (ASST) of Lodi; Local Health Authority 9 Scaligera of Verona; USL Umbria 1 of Perugia; ASL Rome 3; ASL 2 Lanciano Vasto Chieti in Chieti; ASL Napoli 2 Nord; Provincial Health Authority of Cosenza; Provincial Health Authority of Palermo. The selection of the chosen public bodies was made on the basis of 6 criteria, in order of priority: consistency with national and regional programs; balanced geographical distribution at the national level and in the choice of metropolitan and provincial Asl; percentage of exams fewer in 2020 than in previous years; need to replace obsolete equipment, with particular attention to the analogue versus the digital ones present in each Region; organizational structuring of the company departments and structures to be involved on the basis of the expected results in terms of reducing waiting lists.
A campaign on the side of women
The “Screening Routine” campaign wants to speak to women, raising their awareness of an important aspect for their health, through an approach and unusual channels such as those of online shopping. “The pandemic has taught us the value of joining forces and activating synergies between public and private, to respond to the challenges dictated by the emergency. Hence the extraordinary collaboration with Fujifilm“- he comments Maurizio de Cicco, President and CEO of Roche Italia. “In line with the direction also traced by the PNRR, we want to take the opportunity to evolve our approach from a pharmaceutical company traditionally focused on drug research and development to a partner of the System, able to offer integrated solutions and services, focusing on recovery of prevention, better articulation of healthcare in the area, digitalization and technological equipment, enhancement of human capital, through research and training. With the campaign “Screening Routine” we want to support and be an active part of this change towards innovation and sustainability of the NHS and give greater guarantees of access to the best diagnosis and treatment paths. “
“The role of the industry, in a moment of unprecedented health crisis, is that of actively support the Health System in a path of evolution that has as its point of arrival the improvement of the service to the citizen and the patient and, consequently, the provision of optimal prevention and treatment paths “- points out Davide Campari, General Manager Fujifilm Italy div. Medical Systems. “We are therefore honored and happy to collaborate with Roche Italia in the launch of the campaign “Screening Routine”, which focuses on a dramatic situation such as the lack of access to breast screening services during the pandemic, aiming at an all-out collaboration between the actors of the System, and at an innovative communication platform that uses an unusual language and methods new for the sector. “
Countryside “Screening Routine”, promoted by Roche Italy is Fujifilm Italy, is made in collaboration with Roche Foundation is Healthcare Forge and with the patronage of AIOM (Italian Association of Medical Oncology), SIRM (Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology), GISMa (Italian Mammographic Screening Group), HONEYCOMB (Italian Federation of Voluntary Associations in Oncology) e Active citizenship.
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