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There is a lot of talk about it these days thrombosis. But it is a condition that we should think about all year round, especially in terms of prevention because playing in advance depends on us. And the information is at the basis of the challenge to clots that can block veins and arteries, creating real upheavals capable of leading to heart attack, stroke, pulmonary embolism, circulation problems in the legs and more.
ALT (Association for the Fight against Thrombosis and Cardiovascular Diseases) Onlus recalls this, in view of the National Day dedicated to this condition to raise awareness on this condition on April 21st. And it does so through the stories of those who have had this problem, which can also appear in young people. The goal is to know, so that no one can say one day “I didn’t know!”
Playing early is essential
“Thrombosis diseases affect 600 thousand people in Italy every year: they are called heart attack, cerebral stroke, pulmonary embolism, thrombosis of veins and arteries – explains Lidia Rota Vender, President of ALT. They affect twice as many tumors, they are the most likely event after age 65, and can be of interest also young people and children, even babies. They can be avoided in one out of three cases, they can be suspected and treated: the experiences of those who have already had a close encounter with a thrombosis disease can teach a lot, to everyone. The National Day for the Fight against Thrombosis is dedicated to spreading knowledge about the symptoms that we must not neglect or underestimate in order to avoid thrombosis diseases, told by those who have experienced them firsthand and now want to share their story “.
Through the stories of patients, even young people, we come to understand that an episode of this type can really change a person’s life. And it is clear that thinking about this eventuality is fundamental, also in order not to waste time with treatment.
“In many cases thrombosis is cured, when it is known, but in other cases time is involuntarily lost, and the delay in suspecting thrombosis and treating it leaves consequences that sometimes really change life, affecting its quality – reports the expert . We know what are the mechanisms of thrombosis and what are the symptoms that should alert us and make us suspect a thrombosis, but not everyone has this privilege. Because knowing thrombosis and its symptoms means allowing you to attack this event without wasting time and preventing its long-term consequences “.
Knowing means protecting yourself
ALT’s message is clear. We need to know more about blood circulation. If you create a thrombus small fragments can be released in the veins of the leg capable of obstructing the arteries of the lung, giving rise to pulmonary embolism. Difficulty in breathing may appear, streaks of blood in the phlegm, sharp pain in the back, feeling of fainting.
If you “obstruct” the flow of blood and oxygen in the coronary arteries you can go to a heart attack and if this happens in the arteries of the legs you are forced to stop often, walking, due to pain. In the brain, finally, a throbbing headache, which does not go away with painkillers, must warn. In many cases these phenomena are also linked to our bad habits, such as a sedentary lifestyle, an unhealthy diet, smoking, poor control of heart and circulation risks. This is why it is important to know that thanks to a correct lifestyle we can do a lot in terms of prevention.
“Lifestyle helps reduce the likelihood of thrombosis and its consequences: we all know what lifestyle means – concludes the expert”.
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