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Have you ever wondered why we are always hungry? It is not what is usually thought to be just an indicator of stress, anxiety or boredom, but there is a relationship between blood sugars and the appetite index. We see below the reason, according to science, why people are always hungry.
Because people are always hungry
The reason we are always hungry can depend on several factors, such as anxiety, stress or boredom. Or many times it can come from the fact that we are feeding in the wrong way. But beyond these factors, the sense of perennial hunger could be reflected in other more purely physical reasons. Science tells us why.
According to a study conducted by several universities together, there is one relationship between blood sugar and the sense of appetite, but much more complex than previously thought.
I study
Partner universities conducted an experiment on approx 1070 volunteers of English and American origin, examining blood sugar responses and other indicators useful for the study.
The experiment included the constant monitoring of participants via an app where blood sugar and hunger levels were checked periodically.
Everyone always chose a standard breakfast, while for the remaining meals they had freedom of choice on how and what to consume. The results also revealed a time frame of about three hours after breakfast without food.
And from these premises, the researchers found that the drops in blood sugar were linked to appetite levels and calorie intake. This means that those who had severe blood sugar drops had a 9% increase in hunger and a greater consumption of calories throughout the day than those who did not have these dips.
In other words, research has shown that it is more appropriate to eat when we feel the sense of appetite because we will tend to burn more calories later. Rather than skipping meals or not listening to our body for fear of gaining weight as we will get the exact opposite, which is to gain more weight and not lose the calories ingested.