Table of Contents
After the scrutiny of the Higher Council of Public Education, the Miur published the Ordinance that regulates the conduct of 2021 maturity exams, establishing which subjects are according to the various addresses, how to access, how the commission will be composed and how students will be able to take the test.
The provision also provides for exceptions to the need to carry out the examination in person if the candidate is positive for Covid or is forced to quarantine.
But let’s see more specifically what has been decided.
Maturity 2021, admission
As initially foreseen in the draft, admission of candidates it will be arranged in the final ballot by the class council. The Invalsi tests, which will take place for fifth year students in the coming weeks, are not a requirement for access to the exams. The derogation from the number of hours provided for PCTOs (Pathways for transversal skills and orientation) has also been confirmed, as a requirement for access to the exams, and any derogations from the requirement of attendance of three quarters of the individual timetable.
Maturity 2021, the commission
The commissions of the final state exam of the second cycle of education are one for every two classes.
The commissions are chaired by a president from outside the school and made up of six internal commissioners for each of the two classes, without prejudice to the possibility that one or more commissioners are identified for both classes.
The president is appointed by the executive in charge of the USR. The commissioners are designated by the competent class councils.
Maturity 2021, the exam subjects
As happened last year, given the emergency situation due to the pandemic, the maturity exams do not include the usual subdivision into written tests and oral tests, but are concentrated in a single assessment method through an interview in which each student presents a paper that focuses not only on the Italian language, but also on the subjects characterizing the course of study.
There will be, for example, Latin language and culture and Greek language and culture for the classical high school, Math and physics for the scientific high school, Foreign language and culture 1 and Foreign language and culture 3 for the linguistic high school. It’s still, human Sciences for the High School of Human Sciences, Pictorial disciplines for the artistic high school specialization in graphic-pictorial figurative arts, Business economics for the technical institute in the economic sector specializing in Administration, Finance and Marketing, Multimedia design and technical laboratories for the technical institute in the technological sector, specialization in graphics and communication, Laboratory of tourist reception services and Law and administrative techniques of the accommodation facility for the professional institute address Services for food and wine and hotel hospitality Articulation Tourist reception.
All other disciplines are published on the website of the Ministry of Education.
Maturity 2021, the paper
As stated in the note released by the Ministry of Education, the exam provides for a oral interview, “Which will start from the discussion of a elaborate whose topic will be assigned to each student and each student by the class councils within the next April 30. L’elaborate it will then be sent by the candidate within the next May 31. There will therefore be a month to develop it. Each student and each student will have the time to take care of it in depth thanks also to the support of a teacher who will accompany this path, helping each candidate to enhance what they have learned “.
The paper – as already said – will be assigned on the basis of the path followed and the disciplines characterizing the field of study, which can also be integrated with contributions from other disciplines, experiences related to Pathways for transversal skills and orientation or individual skills present in the student’s curriculum. The paper may have different forms, in order to take into account the specificity of the different courses of study, the planning of the scholastic institutions and the characteristics of the student in order to enhance the peculiarities and the personalized path taken.
Maturity 2021, when it starts
The starting date of the exam session set for the day June 16, 2021 at 8.30 am, with the start of the interviews, as announced at the beginning of the school year. The interviews will last approximately sixty minutes.
Maturity 2021, the inpatient candidates
The Ministry has established a particular procedure for i inpatient candidates in places of care or in hospitals, in prison or in any case unable to leave their home during the examination period (for example because they tested positive for Covid or because they were forced into fiduciary quarantine), carry out the examination by videoconference.